The Saturdays is a new girl band and their debut single went straight to number 7 or 8 in UK charts. It surely must have something to do with the way the girls look, because they sound bad! The entire video is a bit retarded with the camera guy zooming in on their feet every once in a while! Feet fetish anyone? I personally wouldn't mind the constant attention given to the feet, except that they were wearing what seemed like fugly Primak rejects!
This is their song, you be the judge.
Another song that really iffed me off was Dizze Rascal feat. Calvin Harris. Well, I for one, love Calvin Harris. I loved his song Acceptable in the 80s, but this song... I mean really wtf. It's called DANCE WIV ME ! Sure, I'm all into text speak and being a gutter mouth, but something about this is totally wrong !! I mean the model who the song is picturised on, is fugly and she forgot to wear clothes !!!!
I'm not really a hip-hop/rap hater. But I just don't see the point. A friend recently sent me this song, and even thought it's hip hop, I likey !!! *strangely enough*
I'm in love with these songs right now. Coldplay's Viva La Vida, Kid Rock's All Summer Long, Ting Ting's Shut up and let me go, Noah and the whale's Five years time, The Script's The man who can't be moved and *a song I relate to* Gabriella Cimi's Sweet about me.
Now that's called music. Not semi naked fugly chicks sprancing about! Pfft, but then again, it's just my opinion :P
PS: click on the name of the songs if ya wanna hear them :)

yo.. check out norah jones' new avatar... el madmo... its so different from her.. hee... its not completely original... but some of it is very lyrically funny...
grungy and spacy at the same time.. *hee*
ooo will do !! fanks x
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