I was out shopping with a friend the other day. The thing about London is, even if the weather is slightly warm, the short skirts and skimpy tops come out. So if you go shopping in London, you'll end up seeing all the legs that had to be forced away during the cold cold winter days!
My friend wanted to buy a dress for this event she was going to. I suggested this gorgeous dress, but she rebuffed me saying she doesn't have my legs to wear that. I mumbled a very sheepish okay and moved along. Let me point out, I don't have "modelesque" legs, I'm short so that pretty much makes my legs very NORMAL ! *gasps*
Soonish, we were sitting at the food place, me with my yummy-delish Burger King *woot* and that's when this *sort of* over-weight lady passed us, whose skirt was a little shy of her knees. I looked at my friend squarely in her face and said, "If she can do it, so can you!"
I didn't mean to offend anyone, but my friend just looked at that lady as if she was committing some serious crime. Forgive me, if I believe that you should love your body no matter what size you are! I know I do.
My friend is a good size, she by NOOOOOOOO means is fat, and I kinda felt disappointed because, I was thinking....why why why woman would you not love what you have? I don't really get women who pinpoint their imperfect nose, or hate their ears? I mean really are ears really something that should bother you so much?
Sure, I'm not perfect. I got my jiggly thighs and I do have FAT DAYS, but overall I love me! And it's a darn pity when women don't love themselves, fat legs or without !! As for the "over-weight" lady with the short skirt, I'd say "go girlfriend!!" for having the balls to wear something that make other people cringe!

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