Monday, August 11, 2008

Sissypoo !!

"There is no better friend than a sister. And there is no better sister than you. "
Author Unknown

Happy birthday gorgeous! My sister, my twin, my inspiration. I'm the spitting image of her, except we are born eight years apart. We are so alike, yet so different, and we still know where to find balance and I love her unconditionally.

"A sister can be seen as someone who is both ourselves and very much not ourselves - a special kind of double."
-Toni Morrison

My sister is someone I look up to. She's gorgeous and has the brains to match. If by her age, I'm even half as mature as her, I'd think I'd be proud.

My sis, Di and I have some major fights *and she'll probably kill me for writing this year* but you do fight with the people you love the most. As a widdle Shrutters I would be silly just to get my sister's attention, and attention I did get. ;)

As kids, I doubt we were close. She loved me dotingly, fighting with my cousin just so her lil sister could get the window seat on the way to school. Yes, she pampered me. But I think we grew much closer once we both got older. I think it had a lot to do the massive age difference between the two of us. I think my love affair with shopping grew with her.

She inspires me and it's great to know I have her to lean back on. She screams at me when I'm wrong and pampers me for no random reason :)

I saw my first ever first-day-first show at the cinema with her, it was a rubbish film, but I remember every detail of that day. *don't freak out coz I remember this ok, I was young but I got a great memory;)*

She's a great sister, a perfect daughter and a brilliant mum. We still don't look eye to eye and we argue about most things. I remember someone had asked me once if I ever get jealous of the fact that everyone tells me my sister is the hot, gorgeous one and I remember replying back, "why should I? She's my sister." Her gorgeousness rubs off on me. No can be as stunning as her.

"We fought, we patched up. We laughed at jokes that no one can understand. We said some of the meanest things to each other. We defended each other when others won't. We did some of the silliest things together and there's so many stories to be recalled when we are together."

- Unknown

I love you even though some days you feel I don't. I respect you, my sister. Not because it's demanded, but because there is nothing else in the world that could ever sum up how I feel for you. The joy and the happiness we share, the bitching we do, the tears and bickering we go through, I'm glad we are sisters. There is no one in the world who could take your place, no one as special a friend as you.

Di, you are very dear to me, even when I forget to call, even when I act like a total bitch and ask you to fuck off. Thank you for being you. :)

Here's to all the world's happiness for you. Send some Wasabi Sushi to me now :D

PS> Steph wishes you a Happy Birthday tooooo :D:D:D



Anonymous said...

Hey Guds,I Love U too a lots.I have tears in my eyes. Thanks for this beutiful gift. U too are very beutiful afterall whose sister are u but i am not a good writer. u will always be very special for me and even when u become 50 yrs i will still bully u coz uwill always be my lovely lil sister.
love u. Take care. thanks to stephanie for her wishes.

Shrutters said...

mwah... You can bully me as much as you want... :) Wuv You ! :D:D