So, I recently added my blog link on Facebook. It took a lot of nagging from Mr. Schitt for me to actually put it up. I removed it after a day.
Well, you see my blog is more personal to me than anything ever has been or ever will be. So if I gave you the link to my blog, I like you and I don't have any secrets as such from you. So you'd have to be pretty close enough to me for me to actually divulge my secrets and fears to you in the form of this blog.
I used to have my old blog link on facebook, but back then I never really wrote much. I added my link, and the little magical thing on my blog told me it has been checked by two people. Two people, I'm not really close to. One of them, I know checked it, just to be nosey!
Nosey, is fine I guess. But then don't pretend like you don't know about my bloggie or never read it! Coz girl, I KNOW !
Get a life, read- comment or don't read at all. Stop being such a bitch !
I don't write for anybody, I write for myself. Simply coz I LOVE LOVE LOVE writing. There is nothing else in the world I'd rather do. I'm going to add my link back to my Facebook, and try to bite my tongue when rude people annoy me!

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