Last night I had gone out feeling very Carrie Bradshaw-ish. Before we all jump to assumptions that "Of course I'd want to be Carrie Bradshaw because I'm me...blah blah" let me clarify - I am not a Sex & The City fan. The only reason I watched the movie was for the clothes and the only reason I watched the re-runs was so that I could understand the movie. Makes sense? Well, in my head it does!
I only realized how Carrie-esque (mixed with a little bit of Blair Waldorf) I was, when I stumbled home in the wee hours of the morning, stood in front of the mirror - one hand on hip, the clutch tucked firmly under other arm, heels, pose et all. Not a bad look I'd say since quite a large chunk of the female population want to be her.
Anyway, back to last night. It was a good night, I'd say. I danced - which if you knew me is a HUGGGGEEEE deal. I don't dance, unless I'm alone in my house (well then I dance a lot, while cooking, while getting ready...basically all the time).
So there I was, required Jack & Coke in hand, looking uber trendy, dancing the night away, and I realized I'm doomed to be single. The realization dawned on me just like that, as I was leaning against a chair, giving my aching feet some much required rest, when SNAP! it hit me, I'm officially a member of SINGLEDOM. It didn't help that the peeps I had gone out with were ALL coupled up! SUCKS! I never imagined myself to be the single friend.
Suddenly, from being the girl with a "successful" (or long, for me it makes no difference coz relationships are never a success story) relationship, I have now been pushed into the "single girls" category. This is not the "hot girl single" category. Oh no no no my dear friend, this is that "over 25 poor you don't have a guy" category.
I get that look too, you know, when someone realizes I belong to THAT category. Everyone automatically assumes I'm coupled up. The "aww, you poor girl" with the head tilt look or worse the shocked "how can you be single" look. And then I get clubbed into the divorcee, the girl with the long distance boyfriend and the fug group. SUCKS!
I don't mind being single, really! Although being clubbed into the single girls group or the getting sympathy looks kinda is a bummer. Maybe I just need more single friends!
A Month of Reflection
3 months ago
My sis was 29 when she met her hubby, they're happily married now and have 3 kids so no panic please - thank you very much ;-)
I'm not panicking,au contraire, I find it very amusing :p it's not bad, the situations are super funny though :)
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