I was sipping coffee this morning, very much minding my own business, when all of a sudden one of my cousins (I have loads!) remarks that I'm very different from the rest. Well, I've heard this one before.
Anyway, back to this morning. So when my cousins made this remark, my aunt chipped in and said that it was only last night that she was having a discussion with her husband (o.m.g. people discussing me - hate hate hate!!!) of how different I am. In fact my uncle went to the extent of wondering, who am I like, I'm not like my father or my mother - both of whom are highly sociable people. I'm neither like my siblings - throw them in a crowd and they'd come out winning hearts! Me? Well, I'm more reserved. Not to people I know well, but I have my moods and of late I have just shut myself from everyone. It's a terrible thing, I know!
In the past couple of years, every time I exclaimed I'm anti-social or it's hard for me to make friends, I'd have people laugh at me saying that throw me in any situation and I'm bound to make people like me. This was said by few of my closest peeps, so I think they are a bit biased when it comes to my charm.
So who am I like, if not my family? If you had a look at the quieter side of me and you knew my family, you wouldn't think I was a part of them. I can shut myself out for months, and only ever rely on myself to get over my grief. It's not that I don't need anyone - heck, I love my family and it's nice to know they are the one stable factor in my life. They are my past, present and future. I see myself in them a lot, and the days I don't, I know I'm still a part of them no matter how far I try to run away.
My brother, in fact is the only one who can reach me when I'm in one of my moods and in his vicinity.
All my life, I fought to be different, to like different things, to choose my own life. I have that now. And I know, my family has let me be everything I want to be.
Irrespective of whether I choose to party all night or be a batliwali the fact remains I am like my family in more ways than meets the eye.
I don't really think I am all that different. Heck, I'm not special at all. And you know what? Finally, after all these years, I'm happy being ordinary. I am me.
A Month of Reflection
3 months ago
1 comment:
Idiot. We will and will always be like our family especially like our parents. However you much try to run away from the fact it will hit you. That's because you in the end are a part of them. And you are like me in the family. Which is basically quiet, little rude, sort of anti social. The only difference is that I show my rudeness with a sense of humour, a bit of dry humour. Whereas u on the other side just wanna ram into anyone. Anyways we will always be family and we all love u. Now enjoy
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