So I sent the CV, got to know they liked the media background and they'll call me for my first interview PROVIDED I finish some online tests.
Shrutters passes out!!
WHAT!!! A TEST ? But But But... I haven't given a test since I passed school. To top it all it has a deadline. I have to finish not one but TWO tests by 30th July and take only 30 minutes to do each test. Stressful!
So I start it off, filling in my personal details hum de dum. Now that's the easy part. When the options of the tests come by I see one is a Verbal test and the other NUMERICAL !!!
I have a maths phobia! I see numbers and I run a mile (and I don't even like running!!!) I'm already stressing out. I try to calm down. It's only a test. If I don't do it how will I ever know? "Stop being such a goddamned chicken," I rebuke myself.
So I start with the easy peasy part, the verbal test. Surely someone who loves verbal schtuff and words and all can do a test. I took a practice test, and I was like pfft I'm going to just do the practice once and I'll be fine.

The layout of the test is multiple choice, quite like SATs. OMG SATs, I freaked out when I gave them too! This is not a good sign. Oh I'm doomed, oh the drama, oh oh ohhhhhh !!
After all the fussing about I finish the test, and get 4 out of 8 right. 50% not bad. But I try again, I get 6 out of 8, and then finally one. I know you'll think I really have to be stupid not to get it right the second time, but you see the stress levels in my brains are so high right now, I can't even read the questions properly, leave alone remembering answers.
I kinda need and want this job badly. I have my hopes on it, and it would be pretty cool. Sometimes I wish I hadn't given it all to just words words and more words and fitted some numbers in my head too. I totally chickened out of the numerical test, and couldn't even get myself to understand all the questions about Inflations and markets and all. SCARY !
I don't know what I'll do. I'm super stressed. Maybe I should try one of those cool meditating thingies to cool me down. It's hard to be positive when you have all your hopes tied on to something. Meh!
At the end of the day, the fact remains that I really want to be able to do this test without stressing out and I want to get the job. It would be super to be able to do something on my own, it really would :)

Don't get too excited on those tests, Shrutters, it doesn't mean that much. It's just the usual blabla in such procedures. I also use those tests for recruiting people, even without looking at the results. face 2 face is much more important, you know. Anyway, good luck with that job, more advice coming soon :-)
Precisely my point! If employers don't give a phook about these tests then why oh why put us through it? I'm never ever going to need to work out inflation rates and all, so why am I stressing over something I'll never need???
Thanks for the good luck wishes :D
Well, because for them it's an indication of your motivation. Some people apply for other reasons for a job. And if they're not motivated, they'll say 'screw the test, i'm outta here'. So if you want the job, you take a deep breath, relax, think about that job and do that test. No big deal, you'll pass ... And if you don't, that means something was wrong with the job and a better one is coming your way. Been there, done that ... No big deal. Life is full of chances, you just have to focus on the better ones. And you'll be ok, I can smell success through a wire :-)
Ever heard of dyscalculia? It's "math dyslexia". Google it! Or go to or
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