- The greatest love is the love of family & I'm grateful for having had the privilege of sharing my life with them.
- Sometimes strangers can be kinder than loved ones.
- Romance is a stupid notion built by movies and books. It's totally over commercialized.
- I wish I was a fool enough just to have that feeling of love & romance overflow me so I'd know what all those romantics gush and smile about.
- I'm very negative.
- I can't please everyone, but goddamn I'll try my hardest to please the people I love.
- Life is all about "Living and letting live" (see Ego post comment for more details!)
- Growing up doesn't mean having things your way. It means learning to be happy even when things don't work out your way.
- It's hard to grow up.
- I wish I was a child again.
- I'm scared of hurting people, because I know that will hurt me.
- I don't trust anyone. I wish I could leap before looking just for once.
- Beauty is not skin deep. Modesty is not good for your self esteem !
- Tolerance is important.
- Respect all religions.
- Treat everyone the way you'd like to be treated. Everyone has been created equally.
- Have a point of view.
- Don't be scared of standing for what you believe in.
- Follow politics. It's much more entertaining than celeb gossip.
- Love stories are over-rated. Romeo & Juliet died for no reason whatsoever!
- My life is bella ! La Bella Vita
- Maturity is to be able to accept your mistakes and to amend it.
- Life is incomplete without mistakes.
- It's okay to ask for help when needed. It doesn't belittle you.
- Always wake up with a happy thought, it'll lead to a happy day.
- Never say I love you when you don't mean it.
- Pen down your life, but write it with a pencil.
- There is no shortcut for hard work.
- Responsibility helps you become a better person.
- I'm happy I've got to share my life with Mr. Schitt (even though he's a total dumbo!)
- Read as many books as you can, watch lots of film and enjoy music, because it's the little things that your heart appreciates.
- Always be polite.
- If someone is mean to you, be extra nice to them just so that they realise what a bitch they are (this has worked, from personal experience)
- Follow your dreams. Try your hardest because without your dreams life can never be completely whole.
- Go for a music festival or concert once in your life. It makes you feel in sync with little joys of life.
- Always complete the circle of life. Closure is important.
- Karma does kick butt!
- The greatest and the scariest feeling is when someone can read your mind (Like steph does for me!!)
- Always try to learn new things, you have nothing to lose.
- Try and try till you succeed. At the end even if you fail you'll be happy you tried.
- Never be scared of rejections and failures. Life will be a tad bit boring without them.
- Never look at a rejection letter with remorse. Look at it to remind you that you have to better yourself everyday.
- Appreciate little things.
- I love taking pictures and looking at them a million times. That's how I hold good memories close to me.
- Judge not lest you be judged - The Bible (I think!)
- It's better to be hated for who you are, than be loved for who you are not.
- Nothing in the world is ever completely wrong, even a stopped clock is right twice a day (Birda by Paulo Coehlo)
- Always share the books you love.
- Smile at a stranger but not at creeps.
- I'm better at writing down my emotions than expressing them.
- Strike up random conversations. Randomness rules !
- Be a proud geek.
- Loving fashion doesn't make me vain or shallow.
- To love oneself is the beginning of lifelong romance- Oscar Wilde.
Remember poems, nursery rhymes and quotes.
- Cherish childhood memories, it makes your life worthwhile.
- Laugh
- Siblings are blessings sent by God
- When you don't understand who you are, look at your parents and siblings. A part of you is in them, just as they are a part of you.
- If something is meant to happen, it'll happen. If doesn't MOVE ON!
- Believe in yourself and have faith that there is always someone by your side, even when you feel you are all alone.
- There is a spiritual force that binds us.
- Soul mates exist, in the form of lovers, family and great friends.
- After every night fall there will be daylight.
- Never ever EVER give up!
- I love watching the sun rise.
- Life story has to have a happy end, if not then it's not the end.
- Patience is a virtue, no wonder it's so hard to achieve.
- Tell your parents, siblings, lovers you love them everyday.

So many thoughts ... but it's a great thing to write them down. It'll help you emptying your mind.
Are you negative? Well, you've got the right values in life ... if you live your life that way, good things will happen. Focus on them and even if bad things are happening, focus on the good part of bad things ... because there always is. Changing "I'm very negative" into "I'm getting more positive every day" is a first step to take.
But hey, ... you'll be fine anyway ;-)
I accept whatever you say. I do try to see the silver lining in a dark cloud.. but positive thinking.. i don't know. Maybe it's not for me. It's like if I think positive I might jinx it!
is there a difference between positive thinking and being optimistic? i don't knowww.. i'm weird ! meh :/
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