Saturday, July 26, 2008

Shrutters the goof ball!

"Mom! You are not buying that, please keep that back!" I screeched. Some random woman turned to me and looked at me like I was on dope. Well, my brains were probably not functioning properly, because just as I finished screeching, I realised I had mistaken some random woman as my mommy !

OMG! So embarrassed. I turned around with my sister-in-law in that crowded store and laughed till my tummy hurt. I don't know who was more annoyed, my mom whose daughter went around calling random people MOMMY or the lady I assumed to be my mom because she seemed quite into the outfit I rebuked her about.

Lol lol lol

I solemnly promise I DON'T DO DRUGS ;) I'm just on a natural high on a drug called life !!


Friday, July 25, 2008

My Magic Mantra

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.

- William Ernest Henley

I'd heard this on TV, but hey getting to know better things even if it's through the idiot box is always great! This poem always cheers me up, and makes me believe in myself :D


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Test phobia!

I've recently applied for a job that I think, if I get it, it might do wonders for my career. It's not really journalism (I know, I'm taking a dream detour for a bit!). But it's a good alternative...that can't be a bad thing, right?

So I sent the CV, got to know they liked the media background and they'll call me for my first interview PROVIDED I finish some online tests.

Shrutters passes out!!

WHAT!!! A TEST ? But But But... I haven't given a test since I passed school. To top it all it has a deadline. I have to finish not one but TWO tests by 30th July and take only 30 minutes to do each test. Stressful!

So I start it off, filling in my personal details hum de dum. Now that's the easy part. When the options of the tests come by I see one is a Verbal test and the other NUMERICAL !!!

I have a maths phobia! I see numbers and I run a mile (and I don't even like running!!!) I'm already stressing out. I try to calm down. It's only a test. If I don't do it how will I ever know? "Stop being such a goddamned chicken," I rebuke myself.

So I start with the easy peasy part, the verbal test. Surely someone who loves verbal schtuff and words and all can do a test. I took a practice test, and I was like pfft I'm going to just do the practice once and I'll be fine.

The layout of the test is multiple choice, quite like SATs. OMG SATs, I freaked out when I gave them too! This is not a good sign. Oh I'm doomed, oh the drama, oh oh ohhhhhh !!

After all the fussing about I finish the test, and get 4 out of 8 right. 50% not bad. But I try again, I get 6 out of 8, and then finally one. I know you'll think I really have to be stupid not to get it right the second time, but you see the stress levels in my brains are so high right now, I can't even read the questions properly, leave alone remembering answers.

I kinda need and want this job badly. I have my hopes on it, and it would be pretty cool. Sometimes I wish I hadn't given it all to just words words and more words and fitted some numbers in my head too. I totally chickened out of the numerical test, and couldn't even get myself to understand all the questions about Inflations and markets and all. SCARY !

I don't know what I'll do. I'm super stressed. Maybe I should try one of those cool meditating thingies to cool me down. It's hard to be positive when you have all your hopes tied on to something. Meh!

At the end of the day, the fact remains that I really want to be able to do this test without stressing out and I want to get the job. It would be super to be able to do something on my own, it really would :)


You gotta start young !

I'm not much into things all cuddly and cute, such as Kids, but I am in love with this video. It is simply too cute. Very girly, I bet all the men are thinking, a kid putting make up...dayyummm what else do we have to endure! But have a look and enjoy !! And then altogether go AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

My perfect make up lesson :D


Stupid quiz thingamajik! AGAIN!!

You Are a Mac

You are creative, stylish, and super trendy.

You demand the best - even if it costs an arm and a leg.

To be perfectly honest, I already knew this. I AM A DIVA ;)


Don't they know????

You Belong in the Baby Boomer Generation

You fit in best with people born between 1943 and 1960.

You are optimistic, rebellious, and even a little
self centered.

You still believe that you will change the world.

You detest authority and rules. Deep down, you're a non conformist.

So obviously noone told these Quiz people that I am in love with the seventies and that's where I belong! Damn them. Although, sixties is not that bad :D Pfft although I DO NOT believe I can change the world? What lazy moi? never ;)


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

*cough* *cough*

What's worse than being ill? Being terribly ill ! Sad joke, sad joke! Owing to the crap-fest going on in my head I'm finding this really funny.

I'm feeling ugh ugh ! I'm leaving home on Sunday to go back home. Get it??? Eh me neither!

I travel this weekend and the stress is already beginning to get me. So wonder why I go eh? Coz that's home sweet home too !

I'm complicated. I know. WTF am I blogging for? Becausssssseeeeee I wanted to
upload these pictures. I love love love Cartoon Stock.

If you don't get the humor, blame it on my illness *shakes angry fist in the direction of general crap weather making her ill!!!!*


Sunday, July 20, 2008

A sneak peak at my brains!

Ever had one of those days when your mind seems to be everywhere? My brains over active today, too many thoughts rambling on leading to excess flow of emotions. These are the things what I'm thinking about, things I've learnt...

  • The greatest love is the love of family & I'm grateful for having had the privilege of sharing my life with them.
  • Sometimes strangers can be kinder than loved ones.
  • Romance is a stupid notion built by movies and books. It's totally over commercialized.
  • I wish I was a fool enough just to have that feeling of love & romance overflow me so I'd know what all those romantics gush and smile about.
  • I'm very negative.
  • I can't please everyone, but goddamn I'll try my hardest to please the people I love.
  • Life is all about "Living and letting live" (see Ego post comment for more details!)
  • Growing up doesn't mean having things your way. It means learning to be happy even when things don't work out your way.
  • It's hard to grow up.
  • I wish I was a child again.
  • I'm scared of hurting people, because I know that will hurt me.
  • I don't trust anyone. I wish I could leap before looking just for once.
  • Beauty is not skin deep. Modesty is not good for your self esteem !
  • Tolerance is important.
  • Respect all religions.
  • Treat everyone the way you'd like to be treated. Everyone has been created equally.
  • Have a point of view.
  • Don't be scared of standing for what you believe in.
  • Follow politics. It's much more entertaining than celeb gossip.
  • Love stories are over-rated. Romeo & Juliet died for no reason whatsoever!
  • My life is bella ! La Bella Vita
  • Maturity is to be able to accept your mistakes and to amend it.
  • Life is incomplete without mistakes.
  • It's okay to ask for help when needed. It doesn't belittle you.
  • Always wake up with a happy thought, it'll lead to a happy day.
  • Never say I love you when you don't mean it.
  • Pen down your life, but write it with a pencil.
  • There is no shortcut for hard work.
  • Responsibility helps you become a better person.
  • I'm happy I've got to share my life with Mr. Schitt (even though he's a total dumbo!)
  • Read as many books as you can, watch lots of film and enjoy music, because it's the little things that your heart appreciates.
  • Always be polite.
  • If someone is mean to you, be extra nice to them just so that they realise what a bitch they are (this has worked, from personal experience)
  • Follow your dreams. Try your hardest because without your dreams life can never be completely whole.
  • Go for a music festival or concert once in your life. It makes you feel in sync with little joys of life.
  • Always complete the circle of life. Closure is important.
  • Karma does kick butt!
  • The greatest and the scariest feeling is when someone can read your mind (Like steph does for me!!)
  • Always try to learn new things, you have nothing to lose.
  • Try and try till you succeed. At the end even if you fail you'll be happy you tried.
  • Never be scared of rejections and failures. Life will be a tad bit boring without them.
  • Never look at a rejection letter with remorse. Look at it to remind you that you have to better yourself everyday.
  • Appreciate little things.
  • I love taking pictures and looking at them a million times. That's how I hold good memories close to me.
  • Judge not lest you be judged - The Bible (I think!)
  • It's better to be hated for who you are, than be loved for who you are not.
  • Nothing in the world is ever completely wrong, even a stopped clock is right twice a day (Birda by Paulo Coehlo)
  • Always share the books you love.
  • Smile at a stranger but not at creeps.
  • I'm better at writing down my emotions than expressing them.
  • Strike up random conversations. Randomness rules !
  • Be a proud geek.
  • Loving fashion doesn't make me vain or shallow.
  • To love oneself is the beginning of lifelong romance- Oscar Wilde.
  • Remember poems, nursery rhymes and quotes.
  • Cherish childhood memories, it makes your life worthwhile.
  • Laugh
  • Siblings are blessings sent by God
  • When you don't understand who you are, look at your parents and siblings. A part of you is in them, just as they are a part of you.
  • If something is meant to happen, it'll happen. If doesn't MOVE ON!
  • Believe in yourself and have faith that there is always someone by your side, even when you feel you are all alone.
  • There is a spiritual force that binds us.
  • Soul mates exist, in the form of lovers, family and great friends.
  • After every night fall there will be daylight.
  • Never ever EVER give up!
  • I love watching the sun rise.
  • Life story has to have a happy end, if not then it's not the end.
  • Patience is a virtue, no wonder it's so hard to achieve.
  • Tell your parents, siblings, lovers you love them everyday.
That's all for now folks. Yes, I do have a lotta things going on in my tiny head ! ;)


Saturday, July 12, 2008

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Excuse me, while I keep my Ego intact!

I'd gone to see a movie today. While, the movie itself was fun and a good watch, I got extremely tiresome of the public's state of mind today.

Th movie started, and I'm one of those people who HATE, absolutely DESPISE, any conversation during the film. Unless of course you are at home watching a DVD. This is something that I never gave much attention to before I shifted to London. Sure, I made the occasional conversation during the film, but as I started going for more films in London, I realised the general rule that is followed by people in a movie theatre. It's to keep MUM!

I personally think it is simply good manners to observe silence during a film. A random chit chat or a comment of something once in a while is good. But talking throughout the film as if it was your pop-in-law's movie theatre is simply unforgiveable.

I sat down to watch the film, soon enough a couple of people came and sat down next to me. As soon as the girl placed her bum on the seat she started talking. As if the theatre compelled her to talk. She kept commenting, and I ignored most of the time. But the comments wouldn't stop. More than half way through the film, I felt like I was sitting and watching a DVD with Director's commentary on, only that this director made very annoying, irrelevant and dumb commentary.

"I'm not here to hear your comments, could you please keep it low," Shrutters exclaimed.
"Noone is asking you to listen to me," said the Bitch.
"Yes, but you are loud so keep it low," I explained.
"I must say you have a very short attention span," she claimed.
"I might have a short attention span but the fact remains you are loud, BITCH!" I screamed now.

I looked away, seething with anger. Firstly she kept commenting throughout the film and secondly she wanted to put the blame on me!! Sure I acted like a first class bitch too. It definitely wasn't my pop-in-law's theatre and she paid just as much as me to enjoy the film anyway she wants to. But isn't the whole meaning of being in public mean that you have to have certain manners that DO NOT obstruct other people.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I would dare not make any other person's life miserable. Specially in a movie hall.

"Wow, you are so aggressive, Wild Cat," screamed the Bitch's friend Skanky (name I chose!)
"Well, yes I am a wild cat," explains Shrutters, while sharpening her claws, "You want me to scratch you off!"

Whoa easy there tiger! I told myself. Just because someone is so stupid doesn't give me a reason to be a bitch. I just screamed "I hate Calcuttans !"

"The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrongant; have humor, but without folly."
Jim Rohn

Another instance in the same movie theatre. My friend whose sitting a few seats next to me, turns around and tells the guy, "Could you please stop kicking the seat, please." She said this after he had already kicked her about five times. Kicker Dude replies, "I'm not kicking you are moving too much!"

My jaw dropped. All these people were educated people. Surely, for them to be so rude was shocking! I'm flabbergasted, almost mortified to return to Calcutta, in case all my life I end up struggling with people about their mannerisms.

I know, after reading this you are probably thinking that I sound like a total snob. But to ask someone to show some decency and respect other people in their day to day lives... is that to much to ask for?

My sister explains to me, that this is how it generally is. It's the people's ego that stops them from being a better person. It's the case of "how can you say that to me, I will be rude if I want to, it's none of your business. My ego tells me not accept my mistake and be rude to you in return!" She advises the best option is to ignore, but if Ignorance is for the layman, and we each day try to better ourselves how can ignorance be bliss?


PS> note how all the confrontations were made with a PLEASE & how the responses were that of a wounded tiger.

Girls of Riyadh (Banat Al-Riyadh)

Lord knows the way she feels
Everyday in his name she begins
To have her shining here by my side
I'd sacrifice all them tears in my eyes
Aicha Aicha - ecoute moi
-Aicha by Outlandish

I just finished reading a book called, Girls of Riyadh by Rajaa Alsanea. It's a really good book which coves traditions, customs and values of Saudi Arabia, all very neatly packaged as the perfect chick-lit. My favourite kind! I'm not a big fan of chick literature, I often find it to be dull with the monotonous ramblings about love and boys. But this book, which when my sister bought it, I tut-tuted it. That is until I read the first page.

The book is Sex & the City meets Gossip Girl in Riyadh. I do love the characters of the book, the girls are so simple with such dreams filled with love and hope. The four main characters of the book are girls belonging to the "velvet" or elite social circle. They constantly struggle with love and a society riddled with customs and traditions is enthralling.

The book has been banned in Saudi Arabia, but from what I've read lot of these usually get banned. The book will not seem that scandalous to the Western world. To understand it, it's important to understand the way an Arab man's mind works. The book in all is very amusing and the stories are delightful.

I was always intrigued by the Middle East. The language, the people are so different. The burkha or abaya (as I learnt from the book) clad woman who roam about the shops of London during the hot hot summers always made me wonder why would they want Western clothes. I was shocked to discover that women in Riyadh do go to offices (yes, I was that naive, but trust me knowing these women work made the feminist in me smile).

The book quotes the Q'aran and the many poets of the Arab world. You learn so many Arabic words, like habibti means My Love.

The author, Rajaa Alsanea manages to use her words to reach out and scandalize the readers. It's almost as if you are living through each page. You can almost smell the streets of Riyadh when she talks about the late night shops during Ramadan, you can feel the looks of the boys and get immersed in the desperation of both sexes.

The book simply put out that girls everywhere are the same. So much so that I want to visit Riyadh with all my heart now. A few weeks, much before I started reading the book, I had googled Riyadh (no, I don't use LiveSearch *whatever!* :P). I was pleasantly surprised to see the marvellous buildings and towers.

Saudi Arabia from what I gathered from the book has a complex society, but there are equal amounts of liberal and strict people. It is a society full of people who discriminate between the upper and lower class, just like any other society (especially India! 0_o yes I went there!!!)

No this DOES NOT mean I will start reading the Shopaholic series of chick-lits, but I do feel that men should read more chick-lits just so they get to know women (lol), just like my friend Rayhan reads them *awww*. This does mean that I do so badly want to visit Riyadh.

Those who want us, our souls resent them
And those whom we want, fate refuses to give to us.

Norah Al- Hawshan

Here's another quote from the book that I loved:

"...Then he tells me, I'm a man! The mind gives me counsel and I've listened to it. So I say to him, I'm a woman! I sought my heart's wisdom, and in heart I trust!"


Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Shout Out !

I have a 2837283687917297193 and a million more things going through my head right now but before I do anything else I want to make a shout out to my elder brother (whose recently found out the link to my blog with a little emotional blackmail!!!)
Anyhow, it's his birthday today, and I just want to wish him a very Happpyyy Birthday! I would've said this on facebook too, but crap connection doesn't allow me.

My brother, Nish, is my fave guy in the whole wide world. He's the guy who taught me how to play cricket, albeit grudgingly, he taught me it's okay to be possessive, it just means you are loved. He is the one who would sit outside Taj Mahal with me as a kid, because I wanted a picture taken and noone would let me, so we kinda protested ;) He is the one I would turn to if I ever need anyone. I remember, when I shifted to London he was the person I called up and cried, just because I needed to. I do think I embarrass him loads, and I am often the butt of his jokes, but he's the only person I'd never get offended with.

To the outside world, we all grow old. But not to brothers and sisters. We know each other as we always were. We know each other's hearts. We share private family jokes. We remember family feuds and secrets, family griefs and joys. We live outside the touch of time.

~Clara Ortega

I love you loads my big brother :) Wish you all the love and luck in the world. You deserve it :) Here's to many more wonderful years and memories to come *clink-clinks the champagne glasses ;)*


Tuesday, July 01, 2008


So I did this test and MADE sure Mr. Schitt did it too, because trust me, he's more of a nerd than I am. Even though, he thinks otherwise (just because you know all the math, science AND computer question DOES make you a Nerd!!) Nyaa nyaaa

Anyhoo, here's my result

Slightly Dorky Non-Nerd says I'm a Slightly Dorky Non-Nerd.  What are you?  Click here!



I tend to get attached to things pretty easily. Back in the day I used to be surgically attached to my cell phone (only to text, I can never speak over the phone!!) and now it's my lappie.

I usually don't do much online, check facebook, play games, the usual. But for the past one week, my internet connection has been super sucky. I feel handicapped. I can't facebook and I have over 30 mails lying unread in just my hotmail inbox. Don't even get me started about gmail. All in all I can't even use MSN messnger. I called the Internet provider company and they have been giving me false hopes of sending an engineer in *soon* to fix the problem. I call they say Ji Maam Ji Maam (yes maa'm, yes maa'm) and that it's high priority someone will come today evening and sort it out. Arrrghh !I'm still waiting.

I feel so helpless. I NEEEED to facebook because I still need to thank people for the birthday messages from last month! Doh !

Shrutters sobs....