I'd gone to see a movie today. While, the movie itself was fun and a good watch, I got extremely tiresome of the public's state of mind today.
Th movie started, and I'm one of those people who HATE, absolutely DESPISE, any conversation during the film. Unless of course you are at home watching a DVD. This is something that I never gave much attention to before I shifted to London. Sure, I made the occasional conversation during the film, but as I started going for more films in London, I realised the general rule that is followed by people in a movie theatre. It's to keep MUM!
I personally think it is simply good manners to observe silence during a film. A random chit chat or a comment of something once in a while is good. But talking throughout the film as if it was

your pop-in-law's movie theatre is simply unforgiveable.
I sat down to watch the film, soon enough a couple of people came and sat down next to me. As soon as the girl placed her bum on the seat she started talking. As if the theatre compelled her to talk. She kept commenting, and I ignored most of the time. But the comments wouldn't stop. More than half way through the film, I felt like I was sitting and watching a DVD with Director's commentary on, only that this director made very annoying, irrelevant and dumb commentary.
"I'm not here to hear your comments, could you please keep it low," Shrutters exclaimed.
"Noone is asking you to listen to me," said the Bitch.
"Yes, but you are loud so keep it low," I explained.
"I must say you have a very short attention span," she claimed.
"I might have a short attention span but the fact remains you are loud, BITCH!" I screamed now.
I looked away, seething with anger. Firstly she kept commenting throughout the film and secondly she wanted to put the blame on me!! Sure I acted like a first class bitch too. It definitely wasn't my pop-in-law's theatre and she paid just as much as me to enjoy the film anyway she wants to. But isn't the whole meaning of being in public mean that you have to have certain manners that DO NOT obstruct other people.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I would dare not make any other person's life miserable. Specially in a movie hall.
"Wow, you are so aggressive, Wild Cat," screamed the Bitch's friend Skanky (name I chose!)
"Well, yes I am a wild cat," explains Shrutters, while sharpening her claws, "You want me to scratch you off!"
Whoa easy there tiger! I told myself. Just because someone is so stupid doesn't give me a reason to be a bitch. I just screamed "I hate Calcuttans !"
"The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrongant; have humor, but without folly."Jim Rohn
Another instance in the same movie theatre. My friend whose sitting a few seats next to me, turns around and tells the guy, "Could you please stop kicking the seat, please." She said this after he had already kicked her about five times. Kicker Dude replies, "I'm not kicking you are moving too much!"

My jaw dropped. All these people were educated people. Surely, for them to be so rude was shocking! I'm flabbergasted, almost mortified to return to Calcutta, in case all my life I end up struggling with people about their mannerisms.
I know, after reading this you are probably thinking that I sound like a total snob. But to ask someone to show some decency and respect other people in their day to day lives... is that to much to ask for?
My sister explains to me, that this is how it generally is. It's the people's ego that stops them from being a better person. It's the case of "how can you say that to me, I will be rude if I want to, it's none of your business. My ego tells me not accept my mistake and be rude to you in return!" She advises the best option is to ignore, but if Ignorance is for the layman, and we each day try to better ourselves how can ignorance be bliss?

PS> note how all the confrontations were made with a PLEASE & how the responses were that of a wounded tiger.