I almost forgot I had a bloggie! Last few months have been really hectic work wise, and to be honest I've had stressful (OMG nothing is going to work out days) but in general I've been happy!
Which made me realize, I can't write when I'm happy, I just don't have any deep meaningful thoughts. This is in general, I don't even think I can write news/feature articles for work when I'm happy ! AND BOY AM I HAPPY ! :D
Well, mainly coz it's November, I'm always happy in November. It's my favourite month for numerous reasons, one of them being that Christmas is just round the corner. Thankfully, for me Xmas doesn't mean stressing for pressies for million family and friends, if I want to gift, I will, if I don't my love & affection is good enough for everyone ;)
I do like Christmas quite a lot. My friends know this really well, coz when I shared a house with lovely Jenny Benny I'd be the first one getting excited about Christmas decoration and I'd be planning the party wayyyy in advance. Which reminds me I neeed to book my friends off for our Xmas ado-do ! We all are little busy bees who needed to schedule each other in!
Last year, when I moved to my new place and didn't have a tree to decorate my house, Jenny Benny gifted me Xmas decor complete with the tree. Best present I've ever received. Most people don't know this, but I love surprises! Sure, I'd be the one poking my nose and pestering about trying to guess the surprise...but if someone actually manages to go through the whole ordeal with me...I'm just one happy bunny ! :D

Xmas does make me a bit sad, coz on Xmas day everyone is with their family, and I'm just stuck at home watching silly Christmas shows on TV coz my family is so far away! This is not to say we'd be having a Christmas lunch or dinner. It makes me sad, coz every Christmas eve, my friend and I go out the night before and have a ball! We whine about the same party we go to, but we always make it a point to look amazingly gorgeous and just try to have a good time. But in the end we do, coz we all just get to hang out and be silly. It's one of those parties which you had to attend the minute you were allowed late nights, most people have deadlines throughout the year, but on Christmas eve, there's no deadline and it's just good fun :)
The best bit about Christmas in London is the day after, Boxing Day! OMG the sales...do I need to say more? I'm the girl who literally camps outside Selfridges a few hours before it opens! I know, I know, I'm extremely silly :)
This post has way too many smiles...not good for the emo in me ;) But I can't help it.
OMG OMG OMG! I'm going to New York ! I wanted to go and study in NYU when I was younger (and a part of me still wants to!) and when the visa lady told me my visa has bee approved I just wanted to hug her! Heck I even wanted to hug the postman when he gave me my passport ! :D I'm going for a week long holiday and I'm realllly looking forward to it :D
I do love to travel...there's so much I want to see and so many things I want to do. It makes me really happy to see my dreams come true.
Also, this month is Mr Schitt's birthday, the maiiiiin reason why I love this month. My two fave months of the year is November and May (no, my birthday is not in May!) Everyday I feel so happy to have him by my side. He's my joy, my sorrow, my smile, my tears, but there isn't one thing I'd want to change !
There are a few things that are bugging me though. I'm getting extremely frustrated about chasing my dreams, but that's for another post...where I'm more emo :D
I do wish I could make the people around me happy. I do hate it when I'm the reason for sadness or stress for the people who are really close to me, who make me smile and make the sun shine...
I have an article to finish for work, and it's been good having work to concentrate on, but it's also frustrating coz of the goddamn recession! Although, one thing is for sure...working from home is hard! I can't concentrate, I get distratcted by shiny objects too easily !
I've been working in the beauty department recently, and I'm officially a beauty junkie now. I have so much stuff in my house...it's not funny! I do plan to give out most of the stuff, but I can't decide if I should have a beauty sale, where I sell the stuff for a quid each and then donate the money to some Breast Cancer charity, coz I do really support that (I wore my pink ribbon throughout October...go me!!) *grins*
I think the best thing about print journalism for me is seeing my byline. I don't say this out of pride, but seeing my name see printed brings immense joy to me. :s
OMG! I'll be getting photoshop on my dear lappie soon, *sqqqqqueeeel* soooo excited about it.
Okay! I better get back to work... I promise there will be an emo post coming soon... ;)