First some awesome news...I got a job! yayayayayay! It's temporary but I'm so goddamn looking forward to working again. All the laziness and sitting at home WAS getting to me.
Anyhow, I was looking for a new blog template again! To be honest I wasn't really fond of my previous one. It had two things I hated the most- the colour brown and hearts! Yuck !
I recently stumbled upon a blog whose design I realllly loved. So I asked someone who knew the author to ask about which site to use for templates. She didn't know where she got it from, maybe she was being honest, but I was really gutted. For someone (me) being obsessed with her bloggie, I knew what it takes to add new templates and blah de blah. I was not entirely convinced of the "I don't know truth"
Anyhow, since I do have an obsessive compulsive disorder (!!!!!) mixed with extreme stubborness, I knew I had to get the bloggie template site. After a lot of searching I found it, woohoo ! And this is the template I fell in love with. Someone told me this template looks it's for a "recipe blog" but meh, I don't care. I love flowers!!! Plus, Mr. Schitt thinks it's cool too, so yay!! I've lost my damn Nav Bar again, but I don't really care this time. I really hope this doesn't mess up after a while, not showing images and all.
I'm happy for now, and going back to Gimping. I'm obsessed with working on photos. I really need Photoshop. But I think Gimp is a good alternative. I just need to learn how to combine two pictures.
Click here, for more bloggie templates.

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