a) I can't read your blogs because they are too depressing
b) Write a happy blog, depressing blogs don't suit you
Now, let me clear this first and foremost. Although through my bloggie I come across as the depressed emo kid who listens to sad sad sad music all alone in her room, away from the world and who likes to cut her wrist for fun, I am far from that!
Yes, I have the occassional bouts of depression and yes, I do love my company A LOT. But I think cutting wrists is where I draw the line! I don't think that would be a good look for me. ;)

I don't really care to dwell on the fact who I am, but these comments made me feel bad about the emo in me. It also made me dwell on the fact that, I do write happy blogs (see Wanted! Girl!, I like semi Naked Spartans, Daniel Craig, and the general oh I'm happy today posts!!!!). Now that it has been established that I'm not an emo, I'm going to write CHEEK STRETCHING SMILEY, JAW ACHINGLY HAPPY BLOG POSTS!
I don't know how I'm going to go about it but I shall do it just for YOU, so that YOU, Mr. Schitt can read my bloggie :)
Oh cmon who am I kidding? I'm never going to document happy moments coz I'd be out celebrating them silly ! But I'll try none the less ;)
1 comment:
sure ur happy moments are wasted in the PUB with JD n coke..........
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