I love the Seventies ! Forget the Sixties and definitely screw the Eighties ! People rocked in the seventies. Hell even Saturday Night Fever was a proud product of the Seventies. Except for the fact that Jimi Hendrix died in 1970 I love the decade.
Days and nights I dream of what could have been had I been born then. I know I would've had excellent taste in music. Men would still be pigs, but at the least they'd all be great dancers (think John Travolta...Night fever, night fever!)
My life in the seventies would be directly taken out from Saturday Night Fever. Yes, it is one of my fave films (an easy guess!) I danced like a lil fool that I am when I finally saw the film.
I'm not particularly fond of musicals but dayumm I love the music of that era. As a gawky teen I danced to Abba, singing on top of my lungs!
Everything in the Seventies seemed far more simpler, chilled out. Just the way I like my life. I can't be bothered with social complications, and I love doing the boogey ! If I were a young sexy THANG in the Seventies I would be the independent woman trying to make her mark, but partying her arse out at the Disco. I am still a feminist *with a diffrence* but I'm sure I would totally be into the burn the bra movement !
Mannnn, the discos were something of that time! I'm sure there were still pervy bastards wanting to buy you drinks back then, BUT at least they wouldn't be playing shite Hip Hop!
I mean...really what is with all shit R&B and Hip Hop? I like the occassional Rihanna and Jay Z but cut me some slack and play some good rock PLEASE! Some good ol' Rolling Stones, a bit of Aerosmith (the good ol' shit! Sweeeeeeeeettt Emotion !!! or Walk this Way), a song or two from Queen, something from the Black Sabbath. And a lot of Joy Division please!
I'm a retro girl, when I design my own pad I'm gonna recreate it as the Seventies. I love theme parties and I am still waiting to be called to a Seventies themed do ! That would be so much fun! Oh the dressing up. Did I mention I love the Seventies fashion? I was going through my parents' old pictures and OMG I am so jealous. Thank god good ol' Kate Moss is getting the 70's back for us ! Weeee
Now that I have established I am a crazy girl who lives in the past rather than the present, I'm glad we've got to know each other.
*goes back to her dreams of wearing high waisted flare jeans and attending music festivals...yes I would've been part of the hip crowd of the seventies....*
1 comment:
Nerdo You rock :D Welcome to the 70s!!!!!
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