Saturday, February 28, 2009

Twice borrowed

I was catching up on HolyTrance - it's a blog that I really enjoy reading. There is a post there which was borrowed from somwhere off the Internet. I want to share it here on my bloggie because not only is it beautifully written, but also because a huge part of me is reflected in those words. Those who know me would understand why. So here it is:

I’m not a perfect girl... my hair doesn’t
always stay in place, and I spill a lot of
things. I’m pretty clumsy and sometimes
I have a broken heart.
my friends & I
sometimes fight and maybe some days
nothing goes right but when I think about
it and take a step back, I remember how
(amazing) life truly is and that maybe...
just maybe, I like being UNPERFECT!

I’m not the girl who runs up to you when
I see you & am not the girl who jumps at
every moment to talk to you; 'but I am the
girl who keeps it all inside'& regrets it
later. You still give me butterflies…

In my opinion... one of the worst feelings
in the world is wondering how things
could have - would have - should have been.

You will never know how it feels to have the one person
who means everything to you, makes you feel that you're nothing

She's not like most girls her age…
you'd think it would be her routine by now -
you'd think she wouldn't let it get to her -
but the truth is …
you're the only one who can break her now.

It’s like; we’re more than friends;
but less than lovers.

There’s no use stressing over something in the past, because there’s not a damn thing you can do to change it

At some point you have to realize he doesn’t care & you could be missing out on someone who does.

Anyone can be passionate...but only real lovers can be silly.

Everybody winds up kissing the wrong person goodnight.


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