A - Asos.com
B - BBC.co.uk
C - Cen's Two Cents Blog
D - http://dejavu-intl.com/
E - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extrapolation (lol)
F - Flickr
G - Gorkana
H - http://home.swipnet.se/~w-15266/cultur/ludwig/beeim.htm
I - Ipsos-Mori
J - http://jellybeanmadison.wordpress.com/
K - Kesseret Blog
L - Louis Vuitton.com
M - MiuMiu.com
N - Net-a-porter.com
O - Observer.com
P - Prada.com
Q - *nothing came up!!!! shocking*
R - Racejournalonline.com
S - Slfreestyle & my blog :))
T - Telegraph.co.uk
U - Uk.Msn.com
V - *blank*
W - http://welmitabonekita.blogspot.com/
X - *blank*
Y - Yahoo
Z - *blank*
Quite vain eh? Prada, Louis Vuitton, net-a-porter, Miu Miu, but in my defense I'm going to say I have quite a number of news websites too. \o/

Piú giú, in fondo alla Tuscolana...!?...passavo per un saluto!
Ooo yay! I am on there! :o
\o/ yes you are ! welcome to my bloggie :) x
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