I swear I never ever have an idea how to start conversations in weird places. Come to think of it, I don't know how to start conversations in most places !
I know the usual, if you meet a new person, introduction is the norm, but I can't even handle that! If someone comes up to me in a pub, and says, Hey I'm BOB...i'll be like OKAY and that's it, I've just killed the conversation.

The other day I was at the pub with work peeps and I was getting bored, my friend had left and I didn't wanna get drunk as I was supposed to go and attend another party after this. So there I was standing with my glass of Jack & Coke when I turned around to face my colleague who was having a super conversation with someone I had never seen in my life. I poked my nose in, stood around basically till we were introduced, she made some comment about cold hands, I smiled sheepishly. That's it I killed the conversation again!
I have a feeling that I am the official Conversation Killer! Or Non Starter, either way, I suck at making conversations!
I find this absolutely absurd. I tried reasoning with myself that maybe I end up going quiet because I'm outside my comfort zone only to rebuff myself that PUBS are my comfort zone.
Couple of months down the line I was supposed to go for dinner with Mr. Schitt, who suggested we meet at the pub near his work place. Dum dee dum, I went and there with Mr. Schitt were all his work people.
Knowing me from the above comments you'd think I must've blown it. But no no no, let me correct you my precious readers (if there are any!!) I had the most amazing time, which resulted in me not going for dinner in the end, making amazing friends who I've kept in touch and just the other week they came over to my house and we all had a splendid time, well atleast I did.
So I'm really peeved off about not knowing how to talk to the important people. Ever stuck alone in an elevator with the guy/girl you always wanted to talk to, or went to the pub with your boss and could muster only a few nods and "ummms"? Well if not, I salute you lucky sod, because not knowing the right thing to say at the right time, is the bloody story of my life. And I call myself a journalist. Meh
[photo courtesy: www.nataliedee.com]
Mr Schitt.... wonder if the person has a name..
Mr Schitt thinks you are very talkative.. n u can make conversations.. its jus that u r very moody and choosy abt ppl
mr schitt has a name...its JACK ! x
Well, that explains quite a bit.
And don't worry, you're not alone. I think it's just a natural defensive instinct to suck at conversations... Or maybe it's just you ;)
ayo.. i talk/non-talk with you online.
you're not bad at conversation - you're spaced out.
i like very much.
i even crush occasionally... its cute... so chill.
but i'm strange. so ignore :)
bwahahahahaha!!!! that was funnieeeee!!! good stuff!! You being stuck in an elevator not knowing what to say... no comments on the persons sense of fashion???
@ rayhan, yes it's just me, you are the great conversationalist. How can one forget?
@ harsh, haha you make me laugh so much! I am spaced out but then I'm strange too :P
@ Shameek, No, she was the editor of cosmo's website, so I couldn't comment on her fashion sense.
@ Holy Trance, Random hopping rules!! Thanks, my humor sucks donkey balls, but I try ;)
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