Monday, April 28, 2008

I've just returned from a week long holiday in the sun. Spain and Portugal are two countries I love. There is something so romantic about these countries, or maybe because the men in this country are super hot and their accents are to die for.
For someone who hates travelling, I have travelled to quite a few places and I blame (or thank) my parents for that. They love travelling.
This whole travelling business got me thinking, I don't hate travelling as much as I hate the journey. Once I'm at the destination I look doing silly touristy stuff, I love seeing how the locals live, and I speak the local language albeit very miserably!
It's the damn journey that turns me off from travelling every time. Right from check in through baggage claim, I hate the whole process!
Check in is the worst. When I travel from India, I always have excess baggage. Let me rephrase this, wherever I travel from I always have excess baggage. I had excess baggage when I came back from Spain this time! What can I say I don't believe in travelling light! I blame it on my girliness ! After the "Please, but it's only 2 more kilos extra, and I don't even have a handbag" drama, I always ALWAYS point out to the check in lady that I want an aisle seat. As soon as the word aisle has flowed out of my mouth, I get a look from the check in lady. She looks me up and down, and then shrugs, I bet she's wondering what a shortie like me needs an aisle seat for. Girls go for windows...don't they?
Those cramped up economy class seats, where the fatty or the pervy next to you is spilling all over you, or omg that annoying kid in the seat behind you who won't shut up! Oh my god I hate planes!
Even the toilets on planes are freakishly tiny! God forbid I put on a lil' weight, I won't be able to go pee ! Once in the toilet locks are either broken or work very very very badly ! It takes me an hour to lock myself in, and I've had times, when people have barged into OTHER people while they were doing their toilet thing! Tsk tsk at Air India passengers !
Have you ever noticed in the toilets the No Smoking sign? And write below it the ASHTRAY sign! I don't get that ! What are the trying to're not allowed to smoke, but if you do smoke remove all evidence by using the ashtray !
It baffles me ! Oh, I so wish there was a teleport system, in which I shut my eyes choose my destination and within seconds I arrive there without the hassles of airports and aeroplanes ! *Sigh*
I can only wish...

Thursday, April 10, 2008


I got stuck with someone on the elevator today, someone higher up, but I didn't have a word to say. I work with her in close proximity and yet I just stared down at my shoes.

I swear I never ever have an idea how to start conversations in weird places. Come to think of it, I don't know how to start conversations in most places !

I know the usual, if you meet a new person, introduction is the norm, but I can't even handle that! If someone comes up to me in a pub, and says, Hey I'm BOB...i'll be like OKAY and that's it, I've just killed the conversation.

The other day I was at the pub with work peeps and I was getting bored, my friend had left and I didn't wanna get drunk as I was supposed to go and attend another party after this. So there I was standing with my glass of Jack & Coke when I turned around to face my colleague who was having a super conversation with someone I had never seen in my life. I poked my nose in, stood around basically till we were introduced, she made some comment about cold hands, I smiled sheepishly. That's it I killed the conversation again!

I have a feeling that I am the official Conversation Killer! Or Non Starter, either way, I suck at making conversations!

I find this absolutely absurd. I tried reasoning with myself that maybe I end up going quiet because I'm outside my comfort zone only to rebuff myself that PUBS are my comfort zone.

Couple of months down the line I was supposed to go for dinner with Mr. Schitt, who suggested we meet at the pub near his work place. Dum dee dum, I went and there with Mr. Schitt were all his work people.

Knowing me from the above comments you'd think I must've blown it. But no no no, let me correct you my precious readers (if there are any!!) I had the most amazing time, which resulted in me not going for dinner in the end, making amazing friends who I've kept in touch and just the other week they came over to my house and we all had a splendid time, well atleast I did.

So I'm really peeved off about not knowing how to talk to the important people. Ever stuck alone in an elevator with the guy/girl you always wanted to talk to, or went to the pub with your boss and could muster only a few nods and "ummms"? Well if not, I salute you lucky sod, because not knowing the right thing to say at the right time, is the bloody story of my life. And I call myself a journalist. Meh

[photo courtesy:]


Saturday, April 05, 2008

Love Bites!

Love's been doing the rounds in my head for the past couple of weeks.

The word LOVE is used so loosely, and I find it disturbing. Rewind a couple of years when I was a teenager, love was something you gushed about. Now that I'm older I often get confused with the way people use love.

I used to know this girl in school who would go up to the randomest girl in class and say OH I LOVE YOU. Initially, I thought 'How sweet!' until I realised after uttering the I LOVE YOUs the girl would bitch about the same person.

Okay...maybe the cynic in me refuses to accept unconditional love, maybe I haven't been swept into the "wonderful" world of unconditional love. But the fact remains that in todays world you can never be too sure.

Love is a very sensitive word for me. When I do say I love someone, I mean it. I would never use it loosely. If I don't love someone, why the fuck would I say it?

I have had people come up to me and say that they love me and I just stare blankly wondering 'Do you even know me to love me?'

For me, the person who criticizes me is my best friend, the person who compliments me is my enemy.

You don't fall in love overnight, be it a friend or a lover. You need to know the person over time. It can be the most magical feeling if put in the right context. I wish everyone would just sit back and think for once before using it so loosely.