And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.
- Abraham Lincoln
At the age of fourteen I penned down my life. I penned down what I wanted to study, what I wanted to avoid, what I wanted to become. Except for a few minor changes I have managed to abide by my decisions. I am extremely stubborn and contrary to what people believe I am a perfectionist, or so I would like to believe.
So far things have gone to plan, with the obvious involvement of the general and often overwhelming emotions. Now at the age of twenty-two, eight years after my decision, I am clueless. This scares me. Yes, I am over-emotional, over-dramatic and over-analytical, but the fact that I feel like I have no control over my life is the single most scariest emotion.
My life is right now is in the hands on the few dozen prospective employers who I hope will employ me sooner during the day. I have worked hard, I fought twice as hard to be recognized, studied harder than most to be able to get grades that will ensure a good career, met the right kind of people, yet today I feel all that has been a waste.
A woman who I have been in touch with to get me a simple week of work experience in a company has not even read my CV ! Sheer disappointment followed by extreme frustration.
I want to start all over again. I am losing whatever little sense of self I had, I am turning into another face in the crowd, something I have despised for a long time.
I need to hold on to my sanity, I need to believe...but these words just seem so empty. The light at the end of the tunnel is so far that I cannot see it, I fear I may not see it for a very long time now.
A Month of Reflection
3 months ago
For starters, dont make life plans when you are fourteen.. if i did you would see me as a hippie lead of some sad rock band.
As for being a face in the crowd, you to wierd in the most endearing way to ever be one.
On a more serious note though, your life is not in anyones hands but yours. Why the heck do you care about people who are inherently dumber than you and are going to decide whether you get some lousy job which you know you are good enough for anyways. If fate tries closing a door on you kick it square in the nuts (assuming fate is a man!) walk over his red, gasping face and go grab what you want.
Wait a little bit, things should work out. I dont see any reason why the shouldnt, do you?
much to my surprise you are a darling laddooo chowdhury !! xx
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