We all have one, some may use it more than the others, but we all use it! I'm talking about social networking sites. It's pretty hard to ignore any conversation regarding Facebook, Myspace or Twitter. The media talks about, the celebrities love it. But what is this damned craze to connect with each other over a virtual network that drives us all insane?
Rewind a couple of years back, when I was a gawky little teen, I remember it was a pretty big deal to put up a picture of yourself on the internet - in case it fell into the wrong hands. Infact, people who posted their pictures online were considered uncool! But today, I have over 800 pictures of myself on my Facebook and dozens of albums with my friends being silly and

having fun. It's like a storage space for me, like the time I lost my laptop, THANK GOD for Facebook as I still managed to have all my pictures, my memories.
I see kids as young as ten on Facebook with their pictures and I'm left a bit amazed. Recently, a certain incident left me shocked. Sure, you hear horror stories about people getting sacked because of their Facebook profile. There is an email that has been doing the rounds about this guy who got sacked because he pulled a sickie and his Facebook stated that he was actually not ill - just wanted a day off work.
A colleague of mine, with whom I've had my difference recently did a really stupid thing. She took pictures of herself in the office, dressed in one of our's clients clothes and posing in a very glamour model way - think The Sun page 3 model and posted it on Facebook. To take pictures were stupid in itself, but to post it on a social networking site - what was she thinking? To add fuel to the fire, she actually had the client on her friend list who was outraged at the pictures. It's an easy to guess she didn't stay in office for long after that.
The security on my Facebook is set to super high, so someone who is not on my list can't see my pictures. Heck, if you google me, my Facebook profile won't show up. But recently, my boyfriend (the geek!! *grins*) told me that if he wanted he could access all my pictures without my consent. I was left a tad bit baffled.
So what is this insane desire to be on a social networking site? How long before we move on to something shiny and new? The desire to be popular and take part in this virtual fuckery mocks me as I continue to actively take part in Facebook.