Friday, May 30, 2008

Reality keeps ruining my life^

It's usually very easy for me to get addicted to things. Be it chocolate, Facebook or a silly computer game. I usually don't come across as the person who would be glued to the laptop hours at end playing computer games. Well, you can imagine me as the person glued to Facebook or MSN, but computer games would probably never cross your mind.
Anyhow, I've been playing this game for the past year. I started it when I was writing my dissertation, mainly because life was a bore. A year on and I'm still hooked. I think Second Life™ does that to many people.
I always found a reason to log on, curiosity, fashion, OooOo Virtual friends, or just plain old exploring ! It's a really cool game, if like me you have no life !
Recently, London School of Journalism announced that it would be opening it's doors in the Metaverse. LSJ would be offering lectures on various topics, and it's courses are NUJ (National Union of Jounalists) certified! And I went on to have a look.
The place was dead. Unless it's a club or a sex dungeon (gasps!!), most places in SL™ tend to be empty, it's only full till the eyeballs in case of an event.
So I left and came back to the sim a couple of days later, to find some dude who explained to me about LSJ. I can't say the conversation was interesting, but I asked him when the next lecture was *yes! I am a nerd!* and he said that the lectures are held with gaps of 21 days in between and the last one was the weekend gone by. Disappointed I agreed to keep track of the events. A month and still waiting ! Several writer and poetry ones have occurred, but none relating to journalism so far. BooHoo !

Click to see the larger version of me in the virtual LSJ campus

I do think it's a great idea for LSJ to open it's doors in SL™, I wish they had this during my university days, hell I wish my university did it. By the way, the university I attended was the top journalism university when I started, by the time I left it went down in the charts. What a bummer !
SL™ also has other businesses online, Seat just sent me a notecard about it's new sim, I haven't checked it out and I doubt I will! But the Doctor Who write, Terrance Dicks, was online recently for a little talk his book and Giorgio Armani had an interview in SL™ last year. So it's all very cool. Not just for little nerds like me :)
I just thought I should write something positive about the virtual world, since most national media seems to diss it, hey ! it's not all about sex and hawala *money laundering for the blissfully ignorant*.

^Quote by Calvin from Calvin&Hobbes


Monday, May 19, 2008

Yipee Yipee Yaa Yaa!

OMG! I finally downloaded Photoshop! Yaaaaaa !!! :) Super happy, now I can do super shit!
Also, I'm meeting my girlies tomorrow for our Boozey Night, which we have been planning since Octorber 2007! Yes, SIX months now !! We going to Absolut Ice Bar, yea-hay!!!
I love my life !! <3


Monday, May 12, 2008

Dear Pervert

I see you have been checking me out ever since I got on the train. I do realize that my skirt is short, but in case you haven't noticed it's finally summers!

Your leering at me just angers me and had you not been drunk and with a burly friend I would've kicked you in the balls so hard that next time you even think about looking at a girl, you hurt!
I know you are a low lying scum who hasn't got laid for the longest time and your idea of a perfect date is beer and a few burps before getting down to business. Mind you, your ugly bald head and disgusting clothes don't make it easy for you to get that many dates in the first place!
I would like to point out that just because you have your pathetic eyes on me, doesn't bother me. Maybe seeing me is the highlight of your day or maybe even month of your sorry excuse for a life!

So carry on your misreable existence while I pop out of the train not bothered about you! Next time before you leer at someone, I do hope you remember she won't give a flying fuck about you, because my dear, you are nothing but a pathetic pervert. Here's tip for you: Why don't you choke on your beer and die?

Muchos hatred
Me !

*Picture courtesy:*

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

You got me tripping for you !

This is my favourite poem of all times, it makes me smile, it gets the teeny romantic out in me *yeah the only time i know of my romantic side's existence!*

I wanted to share it with the whoever reads this's the most beautiful poem I've read.

I carry your heart

I carry your heart with me
(I carry it in my heart)
I am never without it(anywhere I go you go, my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling)
I fear no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)
I want no world( for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

I carry your heart(I carry it in my heart)

- E E Cummings