There is something liberating about eating lunch alone. I recently had a conversation with my friend who was planning to go to see a film alone. I was shocked ! I've known him for a couple of years, and although I knew he was into this whole 'I like my own company' sort of thing, I didn't realise that he being the social animal that he is, could go anywhere alone.
Anyhow, the conversation went on and he told me the pros of enjoying a few things alone & I announced the cons.
I've started working (or so I say!) in this website recently. On my first day of work, within two hours of my time in the office I was told to 'go for lunch!'
Slightly peeved off, I went to the nearest Starbucks (the saviour!!!) and ordered myself a cheese & tomato panini (which was delicious!!!) The chinese lady (apparently all Starbucks I go to have oriental people behind the counter!) very sweetly asked me if I would like to 'eat here or take a way', I thought a moment or two and scanning the store with my heavily kohled eyes, I decided to eat in. I had already decided my seat, a quiet corner where nobody will be able to see poor ol' me sitting all alone, munching on my panini & slurping my Mocha Frappacino! But as I made my way to my selected seat, a red haired woman swooped in and took MY seat ! Not letting it bother me, I sat at the nearest available seat, which to my shock was right in the middle of the shop!
So there I was, sitting on the wooden chair at Starbucks, looking at groups of people chatting together and giggling at their amusing stories. I wanted someone to be sitting and telling me stories! I decided to take out my book and read it, in order to look intellectual, thereby, proving I'm superior to the other giggling bunch of fools ! I decided against it, in case the panini stains my wonderful book!
I sat there eating my panini at my own leisurely time, enjoying the Indian music playing in the background.
I went on about this for quite sometime, till I realised that my panini was over and so was my Frappacino !
The whole expierence was not scary at all! I was not thrown out or looked down upon for being a lone loser ! I was just part of the crowd and on my own terms!
I didn't have to make any boring and unwanted conversation. I didn't have to smile to please someone else, I didn't even have to be polite while eating! If I wanted to burp, I could've! WOW!
Now this is what I call life on my own terms. I never thought I would enjoy alone time in the outdoors. I can be as alone as I want in my apartment, I have after all, the idiot box & MSN to keep me company. But this...this was a completely different and liberating feeling. I felt so grown up.
This helped me so much that I decided to go shopping alone the next day ! Next will be the cinema....nyah lets keep that for another lifetime.
A Month of Reflection
3 months ago