Technology makes life easier...easy for stalkers too ! I just got this fine message from some guy, who wrote a long paragraph describing my beauty ! Flattering indeed, it was a bit freaky as that guy spoke about love at first sight and would talk about my smile and my eyes and what not !! Just thinking back about it gives me shudders !
I'm sure this guy has no intention of stalking me. Maybe he is just a computer geek who likes checking people out on myspace! Besides how can someone notice soooo much from one picture...? Maybe I am a minger, and that one mugshot of mine was the only thing worth putting of a website !
I have had a friend who has been offered a meal to be cooked for her by a complete stranger on a social network! We had a few girly giggles over it, the thought of a stranger cooking in the name of your beauty still cracks us up !
Come to think of it...we do let complete strangers come into our lives. Freaks we get so fond of that we start referring to them as friends, partners or colleagues ! These freaks may not necessarily be part of social networking websites, and the first introduction could have been more "human". But at the end of the day everyone we know today, except family of course.
This is not to say that we should jump if someone checks your orkut profile 100 times a day or befriend the guy who just wouldn't stop poking you on facebook! I have had a tough time with strangers I have met, yet my blog is mostly dedicated to all those strangers I have encountered who make my life so worthwhile, mostly with their sheer stupidity !
I would no longer be comfortable with talking to a stranger through a social network, because everyone now seems to be a sex fiend, but I know overall two people who I have met so randomly who are the greatest and funniest people in my life !
I do think strangers are nice people, but only nice from far.
A Month of Reflection
3 months ago