Friday, December 25, 2009


London - I miss you, a lot!

I miss your over crowded tubes & smelly people.
I miss your rain, and how you ruin my hair with the wind.

I miss my street lined with bars and homeless alcoholics.
I miss Papa Johns.

I miss my friends, who never told me I laugh too loud or cry too much.
I miss my parties, where no matter where I went, it felt good 'coz I was surrounded by people who knew me.

I miss dinners, keeping restaurants open even if it was just us.
I miss how easy it was to talk to people.
I miss conversations.

I miss how you made me fall in love with wine.
I miss how my friends knew what to get to make a party work for me.

I miss your humor, your dry wit.
I miss how you always told me how it was.
I miss Burger King breakfasts at 4pm (that's when I'd wake up after a good night)

I miss the dreaded trip to Sainsbury's.
I miss the merciless, monotonous noise of the trains.

I miss staying up to watch Family Guy.
I miss weekends of Heroes.

I miss the cold basement of my old office.
I miss how chocolate was always around, no matter which company I worked for.
I miss Kiss FM, I miss BBC Radio 1

I miss your summers, I miss your winters.
I miss how I was always either too hot, or too cold.

I miss the familiarity.

I miss you - more than anyone could ever know.
'Coz LDN, you saw me grow up from a shy introvert to giggling mess of a woman !

1 comment:

Arun said...

I miss you and you won't believe this, but I really do